7 Ways to Prevent Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards in OpenCart


Unvalidated redirects and forwards in OpenCart are among the most exploited security vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to redirect users to malicious websites or unauthorized pages.

These vulnerabilities can lead to phishing attacks, malware infections, unauthorized access, and SEO penalties. Cybercriminals often exploit these flaws to trick users into entering sensitive data on fraudulent sites or gain control over admin areas in an OpenCart store.

Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards in OpenCart: 7 Best Tips

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:
✅ How unvalidated redirects and forwards work
✅ Their impact on OpenCart security
7 best security practices with coding examples to prevent them

By implementing these solutions, you can safeguard your OpenCart store and ensure a secure shopping experience for your customers.

Understanding Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards in OpenCart

What Are Unvalidated Redirects?

An unvalidated redirect happens when an OpenCart store allows user-controlled input to determine the redirection destination without proper validation.

Example of an Unvalidated Redirect

$redirect_url = $_GET['url'];  
header("Location: " . $redirect_url);  

In this case, if an attacker sets url=malicious-site.com, the website will redirect users to a phishing page without verifying if it’s a trusted domain.

What Are Unvalidated Forwards?

An unvalidated forward occurs when OpenCart forwards users to different internal pages without authentication or authorization.

Example of an Unvalidated Forward

$page = $_GET['page'];  
include($page . ".php");

Here, an attacker can manipulate page=admin to gain unauthorized access to admin areas.

Risks of Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards in OpenCart

ThreatImpact on OpenCart Store
🔴 Phishing AttacksRedirect users to fake login pages to steal credentials.
⚠️ Malware DistributionDirects customers to malicious websites that install viruses.
🔑 Unauthorized AccessAttackers gain admin access through unvalidated forwards.
📉 SEO PenaltiesSearch engines may blacklist sites with security flaws.
🛑 User Trust IssuesCustomers lose confidence in your store’s security.

By following secure coding practices, you can eliminate these risks and protect your OpenCart store.

7 Ways to Prevent Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards in OpenCart

1. Avoid Using User-Controlled Input for Redirects

Never use untrusted input for redirections. Instead, create a whitelist of allowed URLs.

Insecure Code (Prone to Exploits)

$redirect_url = $_GET['url'];  
header("Location: " . $redirect_url);  

Secure Approach: Use Whitelisted URLs

$allowed_urls = [  
    'home' => 'index.php',  
    'contact' => 'contact.php',  
    'products' => 'products.php'  

$page = $_GET['page'];  

if (array_key_exists($page, $allowed_urls)) {  
    header("Location: " . $allowed_urls[$page]);  
} else {  
    header("Location: index.php");  

2. Validate Redirect URLs Before Execution

Always validate external redirects by ensuring they point to trusted domains.

Secure Example: Validate Domain Name

$redirect_url = $_GET['url'];  
$parsed_url = parse_url($redirect_url);  
$host = $parsed_url['host'] ?? '';  

$trusted_domains = ['example.com', 'trustedpartner.com'];  

if (in_array($host, $trusted_domains)) {  
    header("Location: " . $redirect_url);  
} else {  
    echo "Invalid redirect URL.";  

3. Use Relative Paths for Internal Redirects

When redirecting users within OpenCart, use relative paths instead of absolute URLs.

Secure Example: Relative Paths

$allowed_pages = ['home', 'contact', 'products'];  
$page = $_GET['page'];  

if (in_array($page, $allowed_pages)) {  
    header("Location: /" . $page . ".php");  
} else {  
    header("Location: /home.php");  

4. Require User Authentication Before Forwards

Ensure only authenticated users can access certain pages in OpenCart.

Secure Example: Require Login Before Accessing Pages


if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {  
    header("Location: login.php");  

$page = $_GET['page'];  
include($page . ".php");

5. Encode URL Parameters to Prevent Exploits

Use urlencode() to sanitize user input before processing URL parameters.

Secure Example

$search_query = urlencode($_GET['query']);  
echo "<a href='search.php?q=$search_query'>Search</a>";

6. Monitor and Log Redirect Activities

Keep track of all redirection attempts to detect suspicious activity.

Secure Example: Log Redirect Attempts

function log_redirect($user_id, $redirect_url) {  
    $log_entry = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " - User ID: $user_id - Redirected to: $redirect_url\n";  
    file_put_contents('redirect_log.txt', $log_entry, FILE_APPEND);  

$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'] ?? 'guest';  
$redirect_url = $_GET['url'];  

log_redirect($user_id, $redirect_url);  
header("Location: " . $redirect_url);  

7. Use OpenCart’s Built-in Security Features

OpenCart provides security patches to prevent common vulnerabilities. Always:
✔️ Keep OpenCart updated to the latest version.
✔️ Disable untrusted extensions that may introduce security flaws.
✔️ Enable secure HTTPS connections to prevent data tampering.

Enhance Security with Free Tools

To check if your OpenCart store is vulnerable to unvalidated redirects and forwards, use our Website Security Checker.

Screenshot of the webpage of our free tool for a Website Security test:
Here, you can see the interface of our free tools webpage, where we offer multiple security checks. Visit Pentest Testing’s Free Tools to perform quick security tests.
Here, you can see the interface of our free tools webpage, where we offer multiple security checks. Visit Pentest Testing’s Free Tools to perform quick security tests.

Additionally, after scanning, you will receive a detailed vulnerability assessment report.

Screenshot of a website vulnerability assessment report generated by our free tool to check Website Vulnerability:
The vulnerability report provides detailed insights into different vulnerability issues, which you can use to enhance your application’s security.
The vulnerability report provides detailed insights into different vulnerability issues, which you can use to enhance your application’s security.

Related Security Articles


Unvalidated redirects and forwards in OpenCart are a serious security risk, but they can be effectively mitigated by following best practices.

Regular security audits and proactive defense measures will help keep your OpenCart store safe. Don’t forget to use our Free Website Security Scanner to identify and fix vulnerabilities today! 🚀

Free Consultation

If you have any questions or need expert assistance, feel free to schedule a Free consultation with one of our security engineers>>

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